Manmade Diamonds Growth Made Easy 

BARS Type HPHT Press

These are ace Russian Technology Presses. Most reliable HPHT with least anvil breakage.Not manufactured anymore. But there is a one  lifetime opportunity- to set up a full fledged gem grade diamond synthesis unit with more than 60 BARS type refurbished hpht presses from the manufacturers of HPHT diamonds at an unbelievable price. These BARS preses are a lifetime assest and consumables are made in a inhouse facility. Only outside components are anvils that are either sourced from original company or can be developped indigenously.  BARS presses are same as those used by  GEMESYS and ADAMAS of Belarus in the initial years of the lab grown diamond industry  growth. These presses are still today being used for growth of 3 to 4 carat roughs  In India the main focus is on smaller diamonds for jewellery. Demand for CVD and other hpht diamonds in india  tend to be for less than 1 carat  size for personal rings or for jewellery and hence  BARS is a very good alternative in India.  These presses are available on as is basis  or can be refurbished to latest technology at a reasonable price.Complete technical knowhow is transferable. Each run is about  4 to 6 days and produces about 3.5 carat rough with 28% finish yield on average.