Manmade Diamonds Growth Made Easy 

Carbon to  ​Diamond Making Machines  


You always wanted to do this. make diamonds  from carbon like others. But you had no clue where to start. No one is ready to share information in this highly secret technology and high opportunity field, We are here to help you outt- make your dream come true. We know answers to your  leading questions-how to start ? where to buy? Are the  prices right ? Are the terms and conditions ok or am I being taken for a ride?  We realized that there is a great derth of correct information with most investors and  with Chinese industry shrinking in India its a great opportunity to set up large scale diamond synthesis in india for gem as well as industrial and scientific use.   With that  aim We now  intend  to bring to you  the best equipment for Diamond synthesis from worl'ds best manufacturers. You face no hastles -staright forward  equipment  and technology transfer and you start your  production. If you are from a research institution we can offer you smaller research equipments from these stalwarts in the world .